Elevate Your Career in Speech and Hearing
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Application Process

Register yourself
Pay application fee
Fill application Form
Upload Required Documents
  1. Applicant login (To edit application form and upload additional here
  2. Student here
Refund policy: Admission form cost will not be refunded.
Cancellation policy: Once the admission form is submitted it cannot be cancelled by the candidate. In such scenario candidate can contact the admin.

Why to choose MERF-ISH

One of the Leading Centers in the world for “HEARRING Restoration”
Biggest and most advanced hearing implant center in the world
Extensive Out Reach Programme to serve the people in nook & corner of the state
Only Institute in India to be a member of HEARING Network
Facilities and activities to network with International Experts
Experienced and Competent Faculty, who are passionate in Teaching
Being in the forefront of the Cochlear Implant revolution in India, MERF has one of the largest case loads and one of the best equipped facilities in the field of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in the world.

Our Academic Facilities